We used to print and slice the generic reward money for our student incentive program ourselves. It was time consuming, and the end product never looked that great. I could not believe your prices, now we could finally have two sided bills that looked profesisonal. The time savings alone is worthe the cost, as my time is better spent preparing for the coming school year.
I used to print coupons for my business with a local graphic artist shop. The savings I realized when I switched to using your web site allowed me to expand my marketing reach significantly. Thanks again, I will be reordering every year!
What a fun way to add excitement to our family board game night. The bills we purchased from your web site were as professionally cut and stacked as the original bills in our board game. Adding custom images of family members to each denomination was a breeze.
Our annual work picnic was a huge success this year, and our employees loved playing Las Vegas style games. We gave each employee $1,000 in the play money to gamble with. Your cost was less than half of my local print shop, and the end product of excellent quality. Thanks again for helping us plan a successfull event.
Visit DaniKatesDesigns.com to create a completely customized version of mononopoly today.
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